After a breakup, many men think to themselves, "What can I do to get my ex girlfriend back?" Their wheels start turning and rehashing the relationship and they begin to think about what they could have done differently. Some men, maybe you too, initiate plans on how to get their ex back including ideas like letters of apology.

Unfortunately, this tends not to work for the simple fact that you may never really know your girlfriend's reason for splitting up with you. Women can be very emotional and perhaps not even be very clear on the reasons for the breakup or why they feel like they do. Many times it is detrimental to focus all your energy in trying to determine what went wrong.

The first step on how to get your ex girlfriend back is to try to forget about the relationship for a while. Put your time and energy into something else. Go out, enjoy friends, have fun, and forget about women and relationships for now. Take some time for yourself and make positive changes. Believe it or not, being away from your ex can work wonders for you.

By focusing on yourself, it will allow you to institute gradual changes in your life. Your take on relationships in general will be clearer and you will probably have a much better idea on how to go about getting back with your ex. Do you want to try again or are you ready to move on?

If you wish to win back your ex, now is the time to be more direct. Don't get emotional or beg her to take you back. Play it cool, a little bit hard to get, and you'll find she's probably missing you as much as you're missing her. If she knows you're doing well without her, it may inspire her to really rethink the relationship.

So, if the question, "How do I get back with my ex?", is ready for an answer, she will let you know. Try not to over analyze this situation so you can react the right way. Either way, take things slow and cool, and everything should be fine.

how to win your ex back

Uncover more tips on how to get an ex girlfriend back. Stop over analyzing and replaying every moment in your mind. Just follow the simple steps and discover the secrets to "Get My Ex Back!"